Angela Okune

r@iHub research workshops (2011)

AO: I made this powerpoint for a two-hour workshop outlining qualitative research at the iHub on May 13, 2011. This was the first of a series of several workshops that iHub hosted on a weekly basis touching on a wide range of topics related to research. Other workshops included one on grant...Read more

Medium Post: "Lessons Learned from Conducting Tech Research in the ‘Silicon Savannah’"

AO: This post, published via Medium to attract a broader audience, was part of the iQuarterly 2016 publication by iHub Research and reflected on lessons learned from almost 5 years of working for/on/with iHub Research.Read more

Scholarly Memory in Nairobi, Kenya: Essay Meta-Narrative

AO: I have taken this year's frame of "innovation" very broadly to think about the technologies, spaces and practices needed to preserve and care for research data. What is particularly innovative about the long-standing practice of archiving primary source materials? I tack between historical...Read more

PECE: Analytics, Structure, Discursive Risks & Motivations for Use

AO: These orals documents seek to understand the discursive risks (Fortun 2012) of relevant literatures for my project. How have scholars been thinking and writing about science and technology in Africa, collaboration, and investments into the African university?

...Read more

Hannah Cahoon and Angela Okune, Sketch 5: Visualising the Point

Hannah, your image of the data thugger and Angela your images of people too, made me think of how you could portray the emotion of your research as an atmosphere, in a more abstract way. I was...Read more

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