Bunkajinruigaku has published several special issues on anthropologies of science and technology since the late 2000s . A search of the J-stage archives for “科学技術(...Read more
Biruk writes that she hopes the book will reflect the potential of anthropology's commitment to "slow research" but also prompt anthropologists to "reflect on how our own data activities...Read more
Reorganization of Social Order after a Tsunami: Collective Relocation and "Community"(<Special Theme>Disaster and Anthropology: Facing the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake)
Author: Shuhei Kimura
Keywords: Disaster, reconstruction, social order, legal institution,...Read more
Biruk highlights that "a main point of controversy between anthroplogists and demographers is how they might answer the question: "what is the relationship between data and social reality it...Read more
Natasha Myers is an associate professor of anthropology at York University. In 2016 she coined the term "...Read more
Technology as Mediation : On the Processes of Engineering and Reception of the Entertainment Robot "AIBO"(<Special Theme>Anthropology of Science and Technology)
Keywords: moments of juncture, artificial intelligence, ...Read more
Jessica R. Cattelino describes three ways anthropologists of the United States have located the anthropological field.Read more
This 2016 paper is an introduction to the special issue on infrastructure which is one of the outcomes of the KAKEN research project "Environmental Infrastructures: Comparative Ethnographic Study...Read more
Michael M. J. Fischer characterizes STS in Asia as theory from the Global East, additionally distinguishing STS from SSK, SCOT, and ANT. Read more