
Interview by FutureFarmers with Abena Dove Osseo-Asare

Futurefarmers Amy Franceschini and Michael Swaine interview Abena Dove Osseo-Asare to understand the limits of knowledge and how researchers are moving towards these "unknown" territories as part of a multifaceted research project inspired by Charles and Ray Eames's film, Powers...Read more

AFRICA IN OUR LIVES: An Interview with Julie Livingston

This interview by Kyra Fox as part of the BIG STORIES + CLOSE (UP) RESEARCH series from the African Studies Department at University of Wisconsin - Madison highlights Julie Livingston's research trajectory.Read more

Kris Peterson on "what attracts you to Nigeria"?

"The biggest thing that attracts me is the incredible tenacity of people to manage and surmount their incredibly challenging circumstances. You don’t find that in many parts of the world. I also love Lagos in spite of all the wahala. The fact that people don’t just survive but thrive here in...Read more

STS Talks - Interview with Z. Umut Turem

An interview with Law and Society scholar Z. Umut Türem from Bogazici University, conducted by STS scholar Duygu Kaşdoğan on August 12, 2019. In this interview Türem reflects on his experiences in moderating a talk given by...Read more

2022 Jan 26. Transcript of Interview with Kim Fortun and Aalok Khandekar

In the 2018 Sydney Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun curated a special exhibition “STS Across Borders” in line with the conference theme, “TRANSnational STS.” In the 2019 New Orleans Conference of the society, the curators extended and...Read more

Sambuli, Nanjira. 2018. Typed Interview Responses. STS Across Borders.

AO: With her permission, I include Nanjira Sambuli's full typed responses to the interview questions I sent her.Read more

Kris Peterson on "where and how did you get 'conscientised'?"

"I lived in West Germany as an exchange student in a household where the father is Syrian and pro-Middle East; and the mother’s family members were anti-fascist activists in WWII Germany. I was 18 years old and I was living in the U.S. occupied section of West Germany during the Reagan-...Read more

“These Were Not Boring Meetings”: Miguel García-Sancho Talks with Karin Knorr Cetina

This is an interview of Karin Knorr Cetina by Miguel Garcia-Sancho. In the wake of trying to trace the emergence of STS, I came across this interview and it seemed to give a first-hand personal account of the academic journey of the author who also witnessed and contributed to the emergence of...Read more

Interview with employee of the municipal Economic Development GmbH

Here you find a translation of an interview that I conducted in German with an employee of the municipal GmbH Economic Development in order to find out more about data processing and sharing practices as well as about the use cases for pedestrian counters. It is slightly shortened for reasons of...Read more

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