On a first reading, I couldn't find much in common with our own text, but the emphasis on sound and how it is produced with and through places (and then again it produces new...Read more
Natasha Myers is an associate professor of anthropology at York University.In 2016 she coined the term "...Read more
The way the authors struggle with shifting the seemingly straightforward concepts of space and place from national registers of STS to..., well, something else, was very familiar, although the...Read more
In the slow turn away from speculative philosophy to grounded ethnography, from the “ontological” turn to the ecological turn, from presentism to future scenario-and-design thinking, and from...Read more
Resisting the conventional framing of "Western" versus "non-Western" frameworks, Matsumoto discusses challenges facing the sociology of science and technology, with a special emphasis on "theoretical challenges from the viewpoint of a scholar who is embedded in the East Asian locality." (130) ...Read more
Historian Gregory Clancey reflects on the institutionalization of the discipline of the history of technology in Japan and East Asia, in relation to the history of science, STS, and developments in the West. Read more
Low provides a brief overview of the state of the field of history of science in Japan, and of the history of Japan abroad. Focusing on key figures and institutional resources, Low concludes that though there are promising developments in the history of science, there "less positive signs" for...Read more