AO: This excerpt from Carotenuto and Luongo (2005) highlights the reuse of the physical infrastructure of the bank to store archival materials instead. How did existing infrastructure of the bank...Read more
TM: Interesting peice that prepares the researcher of the wealth of resources at the Kenya National Archives. However, this archaival resources come at a price as the anthropologically romanticized struggle researchers face at the archives as they navigate the waters of the KNA is documented in...Read more
Chief Archivist of the Kenya National Archives, N.W. Fedha (1972) wrote :
The National Archives is really a store of all the history of this country. A country without history is like a tree without roots. But then how can a country hope to preserve its history...Read more
AO: Mnjama (2003) points to an incorrect assumption that automation is the only way of providing quick and accurate information for decision making. More than fifteen years later, I see similar...Read more
AO: This quote from Carotenuto and Luongo (2005) continues to hold true today - perhaps even more so - and
AO: As the paragraph below describes, the process of signing up to become a reader of the archives is quite
AO: Mnjama (2003) seems to suggest that archival sites are important for accountability of the government and civil servants. He views public record keeping and archives as a mechanism for...Read more
TM: This Guardian article describes the interesting predicament that is happening at Britain's archives especially in matters surrounding Britain's colonial past. This has interesting insights on the lives of the people it affects namely, the people who bore the brunt of Emperial Britain and the...Read more
TM: A thesis that is an assesment of the e-readiness of KNADS and its impact on provision of Archival information to researchers with view with view to coming up with the best practise model to enhance access to archaival information. Read more
TM: This is a research report on the findings of the challenges faced by government ministries and state departments in Kenya. It contains a detailed report of findings from 157 research participants identifying the challenges that hamper effective government intersectionality in regard to...Read more
AO: This article by Nathan Mnjama was published in 2003 and describes the challenges and successes of the Kenya National Archives.Read more