This is a PDF download of a Google document. It reflects notes taken during the "Making the Case for Ourselves: Boundary Objects in Critical STS Pedagogies" Panel with Marisa Brandt, Kate Sheppard, Sean Ferguson, Anna Geltzer, and Kari Zacharias in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy Workshop, Summer...Read more
This assignment is referenced in the "We Are All Screwing Up and Sticking With It" panel in the STS as a Critical Pedagogy workshop, June 23, 2021. See a HS2020 video on YouTube.Read more
This is a syllabus for Science and Technology Studies (STS 5024), a graduate course taught by Sonja Schmid and Matthew Wisnioski in Fall 2020.Read more
These panel notes record key points made during the Interrogating STS Pedagogies panel with Martin Perez Comisso, Eric Kennedy, James Malazita, Raquel Velho, and Matt Wisnioski, on July 7, as part of the STS as a Critical Pedagogy NSF-funded workshop. Notes were primarily taken by undergraduate...Read more
This artifact was created by Eric Kennedy as a teaching resource in concert with the associated readings. See this bundle for associated readings: more